Kashmora – Time pass nothing more
Kashmora is the third venture of director Gokul. After Rowthiram and Itharku Thane Aasaipattai Balakumara, Gokul had found that comedy is his forte and tried a horror fantasy comedy genre movie. Before going into the movie, the genre itself has been made fun of in many movies. Yaamirukka Bayame which was heavily inspired from the korean horror comedy the quiet family started it. Even with flaws, the movie was decent thanks to Karunakaran and Yogi Babu. Very few films were able to do justice to the genre. This movie starts off with a high note and turns out to be a comedy. And adding a bit of horror and fantasy elements along with it. Each and every time you can see the inspirations from various Hollywood movies. The inspiration ranges from the Mad Max to Sleepy Hollows to Stone Cold’s theme. All we get as an end product is a improperly mashed potato with lumps. To anyone who is watching MasterChef knows what lumps can do to a mashed potato.

The first half of the movie is quite fun. Karthi playing a fake god men named Kashmora nails the role. Doing casual comedy is cakewalk for karthi. Vivek after a long time shines in a full fledged comic role. Does his performance is great? No, but certainly a treat for fans to see the comedian on screen after a long time. The interval block was also quite good. And there stops the fun. In the second half all we get is a boring story in the name of flashback. The character of Raj Naick was not well written and not menacing as it should be. If they have made necessary changes in the second half the movie, it could’ve been more enjoyable. It’s not about logic or loopholes and certainly not about nitpicking. It is all about the uninteresting second half that takes away the fun of the first half.
The saving grace of the second half is the background score of Santhosh Narayanan. It is definitely made the scenes watchable but that’s it. Songs are just fine, I have no clue what happened to Santhosh. I am waiting for his next album just like every album of his. Does this mean the movie is terrible? Certainly not. You can enjoy the movie if you are looking for some time to kill. A little concentration on the screenplay and script might have made the movie a better one. Comparing with the recent movies of Karthi, this is a way better one.
P.S: For all those who thinks why there is not much mention about Nayanthara in the article. This is the exact feel I get from the movie too. Why not much role for Nayan?. She did her best in the role but can’t save the movie though.
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very well written Gopal. I havent seen the movie yet. after reading your review i have decided to give it a go 🙂
Thank you ji… Sure sure…